* Internet gets beginning while operating ARPANET'S network on year 1969. ARPANET'S network first just links four client's computers.

* To clearer, this following is untied formative Internet since forming until decade 90 an historically UNIVERSALIZES:

- Year 1967 1970 Lawrence G. Roberts from machusetts of Technology (MIT) have presentation
is plan ARPANET'S development.

- Year 1968 ARPANET'S proposal is made for initiating that project.

- Year 1970 Host ARPANET starts to utilize NPC (Network Control Protocol).

- Year 1971 1988 Roy Tomlinson from BNN creates progam Email.

- 1975 Steve Slker makes mailling list.

- 1979 Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis introduces USENET.

- 15th March 1985 Syimbolic. com is noted as domain first.

- 1988 Relay's Internet Chats (IRC) created by Jarkko Oikrane

- 1986 National Science Foundation (NSF) Backbone is formed.

- 1996 World Expo's Internet.

- 2003 doc type xhtml, W3C, CSS, RSS, ATOM, blogs.

- 2006 & Web 2.0 World Expo.

* Meanwhile history at INDONESIAN Internet begins of:

1992 begin from BPPT UI LAPAN.

Formed by packet's technological Society radio as basis for network regional.

1994 Indointernet as ISP Komersial first.

1996 at least 20 ISP Komersial & 40 ISP wait operation permits

2004 Have are more than 20 ISP, and its connection was crescent a lot of[ dial up, Lease is line, ADSL, Cable, Handphone / GPRS, WI FI etcetera]

at takes from duniacyber


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