After we study to make account at blogspot, maybe you still are at a loss how arrangement who shall be done. Therefore, herein I that membagiakan will knowledge that I has, yes.. even Only its few please can utilitarian!!!!!

1. Log in to go to with user and password belongs to alone
2. Arrangement click, Base click. To manage Basic Menu:

a. Title, fill with blog's title that will be made,
b. Breakdown of loaded with description blog will be made, better in accordance with title. But don't at content is gpp even.
c. Add blog You goes to to register we? vote for that yes each nulis article always comes in at's list.
d. Let search engine finds blog You? vote for yes
e. Feature Editing Fast at Blog You? vote for Yes
f. Feature Link Posting Enamel? Vote for yes, but nor nix, don't become problem
g. Mature content? Vote for don't. If chooses blog's matter yes you at look on blog to full age (17 +)
h. Feature Compose's Mode for all blog You? vote for Yes
i. Activate transliterasi? vote for Do Not,
j. Knobbed click Keeps Arrangement. All through

3. Publication click to manage Publication Menu:

a. Blog*Spot's address at fills by the name of blog what do will at makes.
b. Knobbed click Keeps Arrangement.
c. All through

4. Format click to manage Format Menu:

a. Feature elective numeral posting who wants you to feature. E.g.: 6 posting, matter 6 your article that will perform deep 1 page and column one the loaded with posting don't Day.
b. Header's format Date Of elective model date of / moon that your fond, and will ever be emerging above postingan we.
c. Index date format Archives to choose model for archiving what does you like.
d. Timestamp's format Chooses to form time that your fond.
e. Time zona Chooses time zona suitably. (at Indonesia can choose (GMT + 07:00)Jakarta).
f. Lingual Elective language one at wants.
g. Feature Field title Chooses yes, but is not not also so problem
h. Feature link's column chooses yes, but is not not also so problem.
i. Activate float's flattening chooses yes or not gpp
j. Knobbed click Keeps Arrangement. All through

5. Comment click To manage Comment Menu:

a. Elective comment features, this that article you can at comment with visitor.
b. Who that Can remark? Better elective Anyone comprises Anonymous User. This at means that one any one can remark.
c. Comment Form place this at the discretion you,but usually which chosen by it at pinned under entry
d. Default is Comment for Posting to choose Posting newing to have comment.
e. Link returns To Choose features. This was meant that we know if available one assemble link on our article.
f. Default Link Returns for Posting to choose Posting newing To Have Link Turns Back.
g. Timestamp's format Comment chooses laconic hour format.
h. Activate moderasi comment? vote for Do Not.
i. Feature word verification for comment? vote for Yes. this at means that most dodge of robot software with intent does spam.
j. Feature profile image in comment? vote for yes. So commentator image that have id blogger, can feature its photograph.
k. Comment Making Known enamel fills care of your enamel, that each that remark on your article, you can enamel remittance from as making known.
l. Knobbed click Keeps Arrangement. All through

6. Click Files To manage menu Files:

a. Frequency Archives To Monthly choose. So don't tampilen dropdown's overdose on blog you.
b. Activate Posting's Page? vote for yes.
c. Knobbed click Keeps Arrangement. All through.

7. Fedd's click Sites to manage feed's menu sites:

a. Concede Feed Blog elective Full.
b. Posting URL is Distorting Aims Feed if haven't have, at even empty.
c. Footer Feed Posting if has no, please to empty even.
d. Knobbed click Keeps changing. All through.

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