Smoke, Threat For Environmentally and Children

Progressively day, more and more person which smoke, eventually smoking it its supposing only fritters aja's money. Not only it disadvantages of smoking, beginning of lung cancer, and air that progressively insanitary also mengancan environmentally. In consequence, to already overshoot smokes, labour to discontinue, and one has never been don't trial and error. I am utmost hate kalo again rise angkot or at common place available smoking person. That man not just disadvantages itself, but also men at its vicinity. Aught men around its following breathe in breakneck smoke smoke. The even smoker sometime also not wants tofu, that her essential delicate aja. Of my watch result, smoking person most bottom circle (although high society also a lot of). Of angkot's driver, busman, pedicab worker, building coolie, until handphone's business man. Eventually they comprise circle that indigent. Kalo until the smoker touches cancercous tuh's lurching cannikin, udah not have money, on the contrary fritters money to be burnt. Kalo udah gitu, sit out aja picked up by death angel. For high society, let they have money, rarely also that can get over kalo udah apt its lung. In consequence, thought again which unclouded, what is gain and disadvantages smoking. More Kalo a lot of loss, try for stop.
Actually I also looking forward government role in this case. Severally elapses to find time available regulation to be prohibitted smoking at common place, with fine such a degree million. But even regular a lot of one not care. I see at news also children SD and SMP demos to go to DPR because they see councillor a lot of one smoke while conference. aja's little kid knows, kalo smokes that not good, ought to which mature udah aware. And ala councillor not direct models to society.
My expectation, law anti bastioned smoke again, that this country smoke free smokes.

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