Constituting base language in website's makings

this severally formula which often at utilizes e.g.


<title> udi' s site</title>


formula upon meaning that title for html's page we named "kindness' s site"


<title> udi' s site</title>


Welcome it is my first training utilize HTML'S language



formula upon meaning besides page website gets title "kindness' s site" over there also available writing "Welcome it is my first training utilize HTML'S language" one that constitute content from halama website we.

if formula upon modified as


<u> elamat comes this is my first training utilize HTML'S language</u>


eat writing upon will contain underline until with font "L " from HTML

to thicken (bold) or canting (Italic) you can flank you that want to modify denan formula <b> your sentence"</b> or <i> your sentence"</i>

to make background / page background becomes color that we wants e.g. our blue color can add at part <body> as <body bgcolor=blue>

and if we want to make our photograph perform at website's page we therefore can be made by


<img src="fotokita.jpg" > // to take photograph usually have *jpg's extension


to manage photograph measure, can we make as follows;

<img src="fotokita.jpg" height=200 width=200 />

to manage our photograph position to be able to left-justified (left), rolled out right (right), midst (center)

we can set down formula as follows:

<div align=center> img src= "fotokita. jpg" height=200 width=200 /></at v>

therefore photograph will lie position in the middle

to feature our video can utilize formula <embed src="videokita.avi"> for video usually extension it is *avi

to link / links to website's page we already we make we can utilize formula <a href="file yang akan dilink/dihubungkan"> linknya's name"</a>


you have made latihan.html. then you now want to make latihan2.html. after is finished at makes you to want that latihan.html which at in it gets next's text that its plan writing "next" that if at click therefore will wend latihan2.html.

its trick is open latihan.html at notepad then adds formula at says next as

<a href=latihan2.html> ext.</a>

such a degree that can just post tetap lingual html. one that must you remember to be subject to be make your formula can make it at notepad kemudia keeps your file with add *html's extension its example. latihan1. html afterwards looks for your file that and that file click therefore formula result that your for at notepad will appear at website's page you.. to modify your appearance can reopen that file to notepad and its formula modification..

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